TP1000-Meshing-of-State-Local-Regulations.pdf (Document: TP 1000)
Discusses in some detail the interaction of regulations at the state and local levels. The concepts of preemption and conflict are discussed along with how town, city, and county ordinances interact. (11 pages) (Revised: October 2001)
• TP1000A-Sources-of-Township-Authority
• TP1000B-Preemtion-and-Townships
• TP1000C-Township-City-and-County-Authority
TP2000-Chart-of-Urban-and-Non-Urban-Town-Powers.pdf (Document: TP 2000)
A side-by-side comparison and description of the powers shared by urban towns and non-urban towns and a listing of powers unique to urban towns. (12 pages) (Revised: November 2020)
TP3000-Joint-Exercise-of-Powers-Act.pdf (Document: TP 3000)
Provides an overview of the joint power act, which allows local governments to jointly undertake an activity. (5 pages) (Revised: October 2020)
TP4000-Developing-a-Findings-of-Fact.pdf (Document: TP 4000)
A thorough explanation of the importance of findings of fact as a tool to explain the reasons behind board decisions with the goal of avoiding litigation. (12 pages with a sample set of findings) (Revised: February 2020)
TP5000_Taking-Action-by-Resolution.pdf (Document: TP 5000)
Describes resolutions and discusses when they should be used by the board to take an action. (4 pages including a sample resolution) (Revised: March 2024)
TP6000-Town-Ordinances.pdf (Document: TP 6000)
This document was expanded to include a list of issues to consider before adopting ordinances and a comparison of the procedures to adopt ordinances. (11 pages) (Revised: January 2024)
TP6100-Drafting-Ordinances.pdf (Document: TP 6100)
Summarizes the difference between ordinances and resolutions, the statutory authority to adopt each, outlines the standard content of each, and provides drafting tips to ensure that the proposed ordinance or resolution is easily understood and is enforceable, thus resulting in the desired effects of the town board. (9 pages) (October 2014)
TP-7000-Common-Law-Conflicts-of-Interest.pdf (Document: TP 7000)
A detailed discussion of the court created rules surrounding the issue of when a supervisor should not participate in a vote because of a personal interest in the outcome of the vote. (7 pages) (Revised: June 2018)
TP-7010-Common-Law-Conflicts-Quick-Reference.pdf (Document: TP 7010)
A quick reference guide to Common Law Conflicts of Interest, summarizing the analysis provided in TP 7000. (1 page) (Produced: June 2018)
TP8000-Basic-Road-Administration-Ordinance.pdf (Document: TP 8000)
An explanation of why a town may need to adopt a town ordinance protecting the right-of-way on roads maintained by the township. A sample ordinance is included. (7 pages) (Revised: October 2020)
TP8000A-Basic-Road-Administration-Ordinance-Utility-Language.pdf (Document: TP 8000A)
This document is meant to serve as an optional add-on to the basic road administration ordinance contained in Document Number TP8000. (8 pages) (Revised: November 2020)
TP9000-Ordinance-Opting-out-of-Temporary-Health-Care-Dwelling-Statute.pdf (Document: TP 9000)
This sample ordinance allows the town to opt-out of the Temporary Health Care Dwelling Law, otherwise known as the “Granny Pod” law. (3 Page) (Created: June 2021)