(Officers Only) Call:

Specific Town Duties

TD1000-Animal-Bounties.pdf (Document Number: TD 1000)
An overview of the authority to impose animal bounties (5 pages including Sample Resolution) (Revised: November 2020)

TD2000-Town-Board-Licensing-Authority.pdf (Document Number: TD 2000)
A brief overview of the various types of licenses towns have the authority to issue. (5 pages) (Revised: February 2020)

TD3000-Liquor-Licenses-in-Towns.pdf (Document Number: TD 3000)
Discusses the authority of towns to approve liquor licenses and to impose an additional fee on liquor licenses. (5 pages) (Revised: June 2021)

TD4000-Local-Weed-Inspection-Duties.pdf (Document Number: TD 4000)
A brief overview of the duties supervisors must perform in their role as local weed inspectors in their towns. (3 pages) (Revised: July 2019)

TD5000-Fence-Law.pdf (Document Number: TD 5000)
Examines the fence law and the various types of disputes that can arise under it. (24 pages, including worksheets and sample forms) (Revised: June 2019)