Federal Sign Reflectivity Requirements
Sign Reflectivity Plan Template
The following is intended to serve as a general guide for towns in Minnesota to use in developing and adopting a plan to comply with the new guidelines regarding road signs imposed by the Federal Highway Administration. This sample policy is not intended to serve as formal legal or engineering advice. Towns are encouraged to adopt a policy comparable to the one below, or one developed for the town by a qualified consultant, prior to January 22, 2012. This date is the current deadline for having a plan in place, although a pending amendment to the federal transportation rules proposes to delay the deadline until two years following adoption of the final rules, which is expected to occur in early 2012 but not before the January 22 deadline passes. MAT will inform towns about any need to modify policies after the final adoption of any of the pending amendments.
MnDOT Road Videos Road Research Videos by MnDOT.
Model Road Sign Policy This is a Microsoft Word Document.
Model Road Sign Policy PDF Version. In order to make changes to this file, you will need a FULL version of Adobe Acrobat, not just the Reader.
Sign Maintenance and Inspection Forms An Excel (2007) Spreadsheet contain all of the Maintenance and Inspection Forms.
Generic Township Sign Inventory and Inspection Form PDF version. Print out for writing while out on the roads.
Township Traffic Sign Field Inventory Report PDF version. Print out for writing while out on the roads.
Sign Ownership PDF version. Print out for writing while out on the roads.
Township Annual Sign Maintenance and Inspection Form PDF version. Print out for writing while out on the roads.
County Sign Inventory and Inspection Collection Sheet PDF version. Print out for writing while out on the roads.
Maintenance of Signs and Sign Supports A Guide for Local Highway and Street Maintenance Personnel. This guide, which is an update to the same titled guide published in 1990, is intended to help local agency maintenance workers ensure their agency’s signs are maintained to meet the needs of the local user. This guide covers the following topics: a description of sign types, sign materials and sign supports; sign installation and the elements of a sign management system including inventory, inspection, preventive maintenance, repair and replacement, and record keeping.
Basic Breakaway Standards Summary of FHWA Accepted Breakaway Hardware. Speed Limits on Town Roads Excerpt from 2015 Manual on Town Government on Speed Limits on Town Roads.
Official Mn/DOT Standard of Engineering Practice for the use of Shredded Tires in Roadways While tire shreds can successfully be used as lightweight fill in the construction of public roads, townships need to exercise care to ensure that construction is done properly and in accordance with all applicable state rules and statues.