(Officers Only) Call:

Frontline Worker Pay Notice

June 15, 2022

Some Towns Must Provide Frontline Worker Pay Notice

The Department of Labor and Industry has provided the notice that must be provided.

Townships with any employees in a frontline sector must provide notice to those employees that they may apply for payments under the State’s new Frontline Worker Pay program. Eligible frontline sectors include:

  1. building services, including  maintenance, janitorial and security;
  2. child care;
  3. courts and corrections;
  4. emergency responders;
  5. food service, including production, processing, preparation, sale and delivery;
  6. ground and air transportation services;
  7. health care;
  8. long-term care and home care;
  9. manufacturing;
  10. public health, social service and regulatory service;
  11. public transit;
  12. retail, including sales, fulfillment, distribution and delivery;
  13. schools, including charter schools, state schools and higher education;
  14. temporary shelters and hotels; and
  15. vocational rehabilitation.

While towns will not have employees in some of these sectors, some township employees may also be employed by another party in one or more of these sectors.


Employees in a frontline sector may be eligible for payment if the employee:

  1. Worked at least 120 hours in Minnesota in one or more frontline sectors, between March 15, 2020, and June 30, 2021;
  2. The employee was not able to use telework or other remote work options and worked in close proximity to people outside their household;
  3. Meeting income limitations for 2020 or 2021; and
  4. Did not collect more than 20 total weeks of unemployment benefits between March 15, 2020, and June 26, 2021.

Townships with any workers in a frontline sector should provide the notice to those employees, even if employees may not meet the eligibility criteria described above.


This notice should be provided as soon as possible to each eligible worker.