We are excited to share that a request for proposals (RFP) for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s (MPCA) new Local Climate Action Grants program will be available soon. Eligible applicants are political subdivisions, 501(c)3s, and educational institutions. Eligible applicants must be located in or conduct the preponderance of the applicant's work in the local jurisdiction where the proposed grant activities would take place.
The purpose of the Local Climate Action Grant Program as outlined in the Minnesota Sessions Law 2023, Regular Session Chapter 60—H.F.No.2310 is to provide grants to support local jurisdictions to address climate change by developing and implementing plans of action that:
(1) enable local jurisdictions to adapt to extreme weather events and a changing climate; or
(2) reduce the local jurisdiction's contributions to the causes of climate change.
Please share this opportunity widely with others within and outside your organization and networks.
Stay connected: Sign up for MPCA’s Climate GovDelivery list to automatically receive updates on this Local Climate Action Grants RFP and other climate-related funding updates and notifications (Contracts and Grants category - select State & Federal Climate Funding).
More information about this RFP also will be posted soon at the LCA Grants webpage.