(Officers Only) Call:

Important information regarding Public Safety Vest-Reimbursement Program rules

August 22, 2024

Dear DPS stakeholders,

In the 2023 legislative session, the legislature significantly expanded eligibility for the Department of Public Safety’s vest reimbursement program. Previously, only peace officers and heads of state and local law enforcement agencies were eligible to participate. The legislature has expanded the program and increased program funding to now include firefighters, emergency medical service providers, and the heads of the agencies and entities that employ them.

Today we have published in the State Register a Notice of Intent to Adopt Rules Without a Hearing on our proposed rules for soft body armor reimbursement. We have identified you as likely to be affected by the proposed rules; accordingly, we are attaching the following documents:

  • The Notice of Intent to Adopt Rules Without a Hearing, as published in the State Register
  • The proposed rule
  • The Statement of Need and Reasonableness

You can also find all three documents on our rulemaking web page.

Please note: If you want to comment on the rules, you must comment by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 20, 2024. To comment, you must use the OAH eComments website. You can learn more about the rules by reading the Notice.

If you have any questions about the rule or the rulemaking procedures, please email dps.rulemaking@state.mn.us.

Thank you!


Notice of Intent to Adopt Rules Without a Hearing (PDF) 

Proposed Rule (PDF) 

Statement of Need and Reasonableness (PDF)